[Harp-L] J.Jones Alcohol as a drug

J.Jones quoted Charles Lamb on the Joys of Alcohol
> To be an object of compassion to friends, of derision to foes; to be
> suspected by stangers, stared at by fools; to be esteemed dull when you
> cannot be witty, to be applauded for witty when you know you have been 
> dull; to be called upon for the extemporaneous exercise of that faculty
> which no premeditation can give; to be spurred on to efforts which end in
> contempt; to be set on to provoke mirth which procures the procurer
> hatred; to give pleasure and be paid with squinting malice; to swallow
> draughts of life-destroying wine which are to be distilled into airy
> breath to tickle vain auditors; to mortgage miserable morrows for nights
> of madness; to waste whole seas of time upon those who pay it back in
> little inconsiderable drops of grudging applause
> -are the wages of buffoonery and death.
> If regular use of alcohol is not an all or nothing
> pastime, then please supply a reason that alcohol
> use is a positive activity
> Jeff Jones

Charles Lamb was a melancholic and suffered from alcoholism. So I'd assume
that from the above, a good drink increases the vocabulary, and by extension
the variation of chops ?

I find three drinks a night is my personal playing limit.
The liver converts about 8 grams of ethanol per hour (~ half a pint of
beer); driving home sober from a gig is vital.

Geoff Atkins


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